Join us as we work with Myanmar communities delivering health, education and relief programmes

The conflict in Myanmar has left more than 18 million people in desperate need, over three million people have been displaced and are without food, shelter or healthcare. The education system has collapsed, shattering the dreams of thousands of young people. The  humanitarian crisis in Myanmar is massive, but together, with your help, we can work with local communities to bring hope.


What We Do

Health & Hope is a non-profit, non-political, and non-government organisation based on Christian values and principles whose mission is to bring hope, relief from pain and suffering, and long-term sustainable development to vulnerable communities in [and from] the western Myanmar region. Our vision is to see empowered, thriving and self-sustaining communities in [and from] western Myanmar. Our goal is to see communities in/from Western Myanmar with:

  • Quality health care and education
  • Food security
  • Sustainable livelihoods
  • Access to humanitarian assistance if needed and striving towards self-sufficiency

The military coup in Myanmar has created a desperate crisis across the country. Media coverage is minimal, and many are unaware of the situation. The situation is urgent and is worsening every day.


Our Work



Improving access to public health and primary medical care.



Providing scholarships to talented young people from Myanmar.



Delivering relief to vulnerable communities. 

Our Story

One man’s passion to bring hope to his people

In the early 2,000s, a local Burmese man dreamed of bringing primary healthcare to Chin State, a rural region in Western Myanmar. Life for villagers in the region was difficult, with little or no healthcare facilities, limited education opportunities, and chronic food shortages.

As a boy, this young man saw his parents taken for forced labour, and girls in his village violated. He witnessed the death of friends from preventable illnesses such as diarrhoea and saw many women and babies die during childbirth.

The young man walked for many days to reach the high school in Yangon. He was the first child from his village ever to attend. On his return, his community sold their livestock to send him to college in India and later sent him abroad to study medicine. Despite having to learn three new languages to gain his education, he graduated at the top of his class.

His dream was also to enable young people to have the same opportunities that he had received to fulfil their potential. That young man was Dr Sasa, and his passion to serve his people led to the birth of Health & Hope in 2009. You can read more about Dr Sasa's remarkable story here.

In 2021 Dr Sasa stepped down from his leadership role at Health & Hope to pursue a political career.

Where is Myanmar?

Myanmar, also known as Burma, is located in South East Asia and shares borders with the People's Republic of China in the North and North East, Laos in the East, Thailand in the South East, Bangladesh in the West and India in the North West. Find out more about where we work.

Frequently asked Questions - Our Promise to You


How can I be sure my gift is going to help those that need it most? 

We are a small charity, intentionally keeping our costs as low as possible, to ensure that donations go to where the need is greatest. 

Where does my donation go?

We work very hard to ensure that as much as possible goes directly to our project work, while balancing this with the need for ensuring the charity is well run with excellent stewardship of all our resources. We spend 5% of our income on governance and administration, and 7% on fundraising – including salaries for our very small UK based team. This means that 88% of income goes directly to supporting our work. Find out more about Health & Hope here.


“We’ve been proud to support Health & Hope since its inception, 15 years ago. Their humanitarian programmes have saved thousands of lives, whilst deepening transformational relationships with isolated communities. We celebrate Health & Hope’s commitment to serve people in need, who are often ignored by the world’s media and beyond reach of major aid organisations.” Humanitarian aid agency.

Download our free ebooklet - Myanmar: A Forgotten Nation?

Find out more about Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, in this short, but informative ebooklet.

Apart from a brief period of financial and political reform, Myanmar’s ongoing story since its independence from the British in 1948 has been one of great unrest, and brutal repression.

For many, the crisis in Myanmar either remains unknown, or largely forgotten.

Aung San Suu Kyii, ousted political leader of Myanmar who is arguably one of the most well-known political prisoners of our modern time remains under house arrest to this day. It is uncertain if she will ever be released.

Sign up to receive the booklet to find out more about this tragic nation.

How you can get involved

Take the next step and bring hope to the people of Myanmar

Join Thrive, our community of passionate regular supporters of the Burmese people. Members of Thrive enable us to provide urgent access to healthcare and humanitarian relief to those caught up in the ongoing crisis. Monthly giving also enables us to provide sustainable solutions through our livelihood projects and provide scholarships to talented young people to enable them to pursue their dreams to study. 

As a member of Thrive, we will keep you up-to-date on the impact of your giving through email updates, news stories and more.

Just £6 ($8 USD)  will enable us to provide soap, toothbrushes and sanitary products for one person, while £12 ($15 USD) monthly will provide food for two people. Your monthly gift of £14 ($18 USD)  will enable us to purchase textbooks for a student. Your giving is a gift of hope, a future to these young people. Many of these young people are the leaders for the future who will someday serve their communities and country and rebuild this beautiful land.

Your gift could help someone like Gawa and her family

Gawa (name changed) says: “I am a 28-year-old mother of six children currently residing in a camp. We've been here for a year and six months. We are seriously struggling for food because there are no day jobs available. We have no income, no money, and nothing to do, despite the fact that we desire to work. Our family had insufficient food last month, so we borrowed a rice bag from a nearby shop and have yet to pay. As refugees, we cannot incur any further debt.

There are many families like us who will go hungry tomorrow. We received food from your organisation unexpectedly and we will be able to sleep peacefully at night. Thank you very much for your help. God bless you.”

Are you a Burmese national living overseas? Please consider giving what you can to support your brothers and sisters in great need. Even if you can only give a very little, please do give. Together, we can do so much more. Thank you.

“For us, accountability is important. I have confidence that the team is trustworthy, hard-working and utterly committed to changing lives for good. We can see the progress of the projects and learn about the impact of our giving and how the money is being used.” Health & Hope supporter.

Sign up to receive our updates and ebooklet: Myanmar: A Forgotten Nation?

Find out more about Myanmar, formerly known as Burma, in this short but informative ebooklet on its tragic story over recent years.

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eBook - Myanmar: A Forgotten Nation