Reporting a concern

We encourage and welcome anyone raising a concern including our partners, the people and communities we work with, our supporters and members of the public.

We take all concerns seriously and respond appropriately to all concerns that are reported to us. We put the wishes and the needs of the survivor/victim at the heart of our response. We recognise that the confidentiality of all those involved, in particular the survivor/victim is paramount, and information related to any concern is only shared on a need-to-know basis. We are committed to providing safe and confidential support to survivors and to holding perpetrators of abuse to account. Breaches of the organisational Safeguarding policy constitute gross misconduct and are grounds for disciplinary measures up to and including dismissal.

To report a concern please email If you are concerned that the alleged incident relates to this member of staff, you should contact the Safeguarding Lead on the Board of Trustees in the UK, by emailing

Alternatively, you can contact our designated safeguarding officer via the confidential form below:

Health & Hope will process your data securely in line with our privacy notice.
You can change your contact preferences at any time – just email us at