Health & Hope UK

About Us

Health & Hope was established in 2013 in the UK as a charity by a group of trustees who were moved to act by Dr Sasa’s story who had either personal contact with Dr Sasa, over many years, or had visited the work of Health & Hope Myanmar (HHM) in-country. 

HHUK grew out of a small support base, receiving funding from those who had met Dr Sasa personally during his annual trips to the UK and the Channel Islands.  Many people followed his journey, from studying as a medical doctor, to returning to serve his people in 2007 at the height of a regional famine. You can read more about the history of Health and Hope here

Our small, UK-based team is responsible for fundraising, raising awareness about our work, and providing support for our teams. Our work is funded by a small, but loyal supporter base comprising individuals, churches, trusts, NGOs and institutional donors. We work closely alongside local partners who help design, plan and implement our programmes. 

Our team is united through the bond of our Christian faith, and it is this foundation that inspires us to serve those in great need with compassion and respect.

Our role

HHUK's primary role is to provide representation, increase awareness, raise funds, and offer technical support for our operational partners.  Our organisation is built on a foundation of our shared Christian faith, demonstrated in our commitment to prioritise loving God and loving our neighbours as ourselves. It is this faith which motivates our team to serve those in need. 

We work primarily alongside the local church in carrying out our activities as, where it exists, the local church forms the bedrock of community life in many villages across the region. We are not, however, exclusive in our actions. Our Christian faith demands that we respect the rights and choices of all people we serve.  As such, we work equally alongside villagers of any faith or none. We provide non-discriminatory humanitarian aid and development services in the areas of health, education and food security.


Health & Hope UK (HHUK) is committed to ensuring that children and vulnerable adults are protected from all forms of harm and abuse, and able to live a life with dignity, respect and security. This includes the rights of children and adults. For more information see our commitments to protecting children and adults from harm here.

If you have any concerns to report please contact us here.

His Majesty King Charles III

Health & Hope UK are delighted to enjoy the support of His Majesty King Charles III as our patron. His Majesty has met personally with Dr Sasa on a number of occasions and has encouraged others to partner with our work in Chin State. 

Annual Report & Accounts

HHUK’s annual accounts are independently reviewed and published with the Charity Commission for England and Wales. You can download our latest annual financial accounts here.


HHUK is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England under Company No. 08290412 and Charity No. 1151105.

HHUK is governed by a volunteer Board of Trustees who take legal responsibility for the management and administration of the charity, which is regulated by the Charity Commission for England and Wales. Day to day operations and management of HHUK’s activities is delegated to the Executive Director.

Fundraising Regulator

Health & Hope UK is registered with the Fundraising Regulator, and therefore is committed to best practice surrounding all our Fundraising activities in agreement with the Fundraising Promise and Code of Fundraising Practice.

If you have any concerns regarding Health & Hope UK’s fundraising activities, please contact us using the details below. You can also review our complaints policy here.

Health & Hope UK
27 Old Gloucester Street, Holborn, London, WC1N 3AX, UK

phone: +44 (0)20 4558 6001