Could you fundraise for us and help generate much needed funds for the people of Myanmar?

We hope that you've been inspired by the work of Health & Hope UK and would love for you to become involved further. 

Could you walk, bake a cake, bike, skydive, trek up a mountain (and down!) to raise vital funds and bring hope to the people of Myanmar? Or perhaps you could hold a special community event. Whatever your idea, we’d love to help you with a poster, video, and sponsorship forms.We rely on the generosity and support of individuals who are willing to play their part in providing hope and development to those in the poorest parts of western Myanmar. We are so grateful for every single person who chooses to support us in achieving our mission! You can raise funds in your community, workplace or school, organise your own event or undertake a sponsored challenge – there are countless ways that you can make a difference.

If you need some inspiration, here are some ideas to get you started:

  • Sponsored Challenge: Pick a challenge, such as a run, cycle, swim or skydive, and ask people to sponsor you. Another idea is to give something up for a month.
  • Quiz night: Hold one at your school, community centre or office. Charge people or teams to enter and donate the proceeds.
  • Matched giving: Lots of employers have fund-matching schemes and will double the money you’ve already raised to make your fundraising go even further!
  • Breakfast or a buffet lunch: Invite friends to come along and ask for a donation. We can provide you with materials or films to show at the event, and possibly even a Health & Hope speaker, depending on the date and location.

Health & Hope UK is registered with the following organisations, which you can use to raise money for us:  

Just Giving:

Global Giving:


However you choose to support us, we will be with you every step of the way!

If you need any help, information or have any questions, please get in touch with our team by emailing: